I’m a technology worker, writer and city dweller. On this blog I write about technology, design, health, environment, San Francisco, transit, urban planning, energy, sustainability and conservation, among other things. I’m an urbanite, walker, transit aficionado, reader, amateur photographer, amateur sailor, occasional political junkie and constant seeker of knowledge.
This site grows and changes over time, as I grow and change over time. What started out as a blog with a few posts from old journals — and the occasional posts since — has grown and expanded as I’ve found new areas of interest, have started writing more and have found a voice for this site and for myself.
In addition to my writing and creative pursuits, I earn a living in the technology arena, working on systems and designing networks for companies and organizations (see the systems page for more about the platforms I work with). I enjoy working with creative folks and people who use their skills to make things better for us all.
I live in San Francisco, California, and believe in the “San Francisco values” of diversity, open-mindedness, acceptance, personal responsibility and social/environmental consciousness. In these parts we don’t just let people live their lives, we celebrate that people can live and love however they, as consenting adults, see fit.
This site is a creative and technical project. I write, post pictures, work on the site”™s back end architecture and enjoy tinkering with the design and server capabilities. I don”™t generally share specific details of my personal life or the personal lives of my friends and family. This site represents a subset of my interests and my life.