It’s raining. Again. Earlier it was just overcast. The waters of the bay looked kind of grayish beige, reflecting the skies above. Now I can’t really see the water. It just kind of merges in to the sky; there’s a ship anchored in the harbor that is just on the cusp of disappearing in to the mist. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen some really heavy fog or heard the foghorns, but surely they must be blowing out by the Gate.
I keep thinking that spring is going to appear any minute now. The weather will start to get clear, then the rain returns and lasts for days. I miss the sun and those nice days of sailing. Any minute now.
I am taking the day to stay inside my cozy place, reading (a cheesy treasure-hunter type novel at the moment, Wikipedia likely at some point), snacking, listening to music and puttering around my apartment with the heat on and the string of little lights glowing softly. I’m listening to the radio which is unsual. I, like so many others, listen to music on my computer and portable music player — I don’t even own a regular stereo receiver anymore. But that can feel so isolated. Sometimes I think I have no idea what is going on, musically, out in the world. Then I remember I can listen to a radio station via its Internet stream. Oh yeah.
It really is a different world than it was even ten years ago.
The great thing about listening to a local station on a rainy day is the DJs, looking out their windows at the same misty world that I am looking at, play rainy day music. Or maybe I just think that’s the case.