1. minimo

    Non-geek girl think geek talk hot.

  2. That really *is* cool. I often run across that problem, but hope it won’t matter now that I have access through my phone’s data plan as a backup. ;)

  3. jeremyrandall

    I’d love to have the phone data backup option. I’d like to have one “phone data plan” that I could use on multiple devices, maybe via a USB dongle thingy? It would be really cool if I could have a plan that would let me switch back and forth from a phone to a USB device; I don’t want to pay for a data plan for every laptop/phone/iPod/whatever that I may have with me at any given time.

  4. Susan

    hey! fascinating. I’ve recently had this problem with a few wireless networks I use, and no one can ever tell me why I don’t get an IP address.

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