I have not written much about politics here. I think that there are other people out there who are actually in politics, or cover the subject professionally, that are much better equipped to comment on such things in a methodical and effective manner. I’m glad they are doing so.
As for me, I believe the intentions of the Bush administration are misguided, and their resulting policies are failures. I believe the executive branch is not exempt from common sense and, much more importantly, from the law. I believe it is wrong for the goverment to lie, invade and occupy under false pretenses and profit from doing so, torture, kill, leave citizens affected by natural disasters to die, engage in illegal wiretapping on citizens, spend the peoples’ tax dollars irresponsibly and enact policies based on greed, intolerance, moral policing and hypocrisy.
I really think it’s time for people to stand up and say enough is enough and we’re done with this now. Especially those of us that don’t normally do so.