On Monday the San Francisco Public Library is offering a class called, “The ABC’s of Digital Scanning,” from 12pm to 1pm, on the fifth floor:
Digital scanning is an increasingly popular means of capturing images and text. The San Francisco Public Library offers multiple scanning options. Let the Magazines and Newspapers Center staff introduce you to high resolution microform and flatbed scanning.
In this one-hour session you will learn:
- How to read, scan and capture images from our microfilm, microfiche and periodical collection.
- How to edit, save, email and print digital images in the format of your choice.
Monday, February 23, 2008
12 – 1pm
Main Library, Fifth Floor
Magazines and Newspapers Center, Microfilm RoomAll programs at the Library are free.
I won’t be able to make it but I wish I could. I have a soft spot for archaic information storage and copying systems (I’d love to get my hands on an actual mimeograph machine, for example), so the idea of pulling scans of old microfiche into current systems is really appealing to me. Is that weird? Maybe, but still, very cool…