Site updates

I’ve done a bit of rearranging of my web site. This blog is in the same location, but it’s no longer serving as the main page. That has been moved to the wiki, with appropriate redirects and auto-refreshes leading there. It occurs to me that this overall site has been in existence for quite awhile now; it’s like a house that I just keep adding new wings on to and changing where the front door is. Not to mention all of the rooms that are hidden away at the end of long hallways, and the stored files and trinkets from years ago neatly cataloged in the basement. Is the analogy making sense?

April was a busy, fun, active, scary and difficult month. I’ve been working quite a bit, ejoying many social activities and feeling vaguely guilty that I’ve barely been sailing this year. April includes an anniversary of a family member’s death, for which I take some time off and do something meaningful to mark the occasion and remember that person.

Geez, it’s already halfway through May. Wow.

So I have been TV-free since ~April 23rd. And I am, in fact, finding that that prompts me to go out and do more things in the evenings. I basically plan or find something to do each night after work. On nights when I do just come right home, I listen to music (I bought a ton of new music), read, clean my place, rearrange things and generally be more productive than I would be with a television. So it has all worked out the way I wanted it to. I did watch The Office at a friend’s house the other day; I do miss that show.

Losing TV is just part of an ongoing self-improvement tack. I gave up diet soda to reduce my sodium intake; since I’m not a coffee drinker, I went ahead and gave up caffeine as well. I didn’t realize just how much caffeine I had been taking in; the first three days without it I could barely stay awake. I was literally sitting in my cube at work trying not to nod off. Once I got past that, it has been fine. I’ve been drinking a lot more water and I can feel the difference.

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I’d like to see if I can develop a better voice for this blog.

Lately I have been underwhelmed by the writing that I have been doing here. Don’t get me wrong, I really am a fan of exploring San Francisco Parks, but I’d like this to be more.

If you read back far enough you’ll find some major time gaps and a lack of theme that goes back several years. The entries prior to 2006 were lifted from the journals and blogs I kept before this one; the deeply personal items did not make it to this public space.

On this site it’s a challenge for me to balance sharing too much about my day to day life versus writing in a way that shares virtually nothing of my real feelings and opinions. I tend to do the latter, which ends up being rather lifeless.

I would like to achieve a better balance.

Very few folks read here at the moment, but if anyone has comments, I’d love to hear them.

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I’ve upgraded the site to WordPress 2.x. So far, so good. I have turned on the comment feature, so if you’d like to comment on the articles or pictures here, please do so. You will need to register and I’ll have to approve comments before they post. As I’m sure you understand, that is to prevent “spam comments.” Geesh.

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I upgraded to WordPress 1.5.x today. I am really pleased with how this software is coming along. It has a lot of new features, including a “page” feature that makes it much easier to set up general “static” pages.

I have been going through my old entries, previous journals, and archives of photos and files, adding items to this site. I’ve tried to maintain original dates as much as possible. I still have a ton of data to sift through, so more posts are on the way. I have to do a lot of cleanup too.

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