There’s been a lot going on lately, but no one thing has inspired me to write a story here. I guess it’s just time passing that has prompted me to write here now, which, honestly, is a fine enough reason. I only post here about once or twice a month which is just enough to let my friends know that the site is still active and for me to pay attention to the hosting system. I know people who blog every detail of their lives and I know people who blog on certain topics of interest. It’s all interesting, but I find it hard to get a real sense of someone from a blog. In fact the ones I like the most are the blogs of people I actually know; then it’s an adjunct of a person that I know more intimately.

One of my friends summed up this whole idea when she told me, “your blog is bullshit since it doesn’t portray who you really are.”

I understand her sentiment, but for what it’s worth, I’ve made it a point to state that this site represents a minuscule part of who and what I really am. I’m a big fan these days of living in the real world, not in the virtual.

My life has been busy, filled with work and friends, a recent trip to Monterey, technical issues, thinking about the new sailing season, writing and overall growth. That’s a small glimpse of my life, to be sure, but it does portray a tiny bit of who and what I really am.

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