Sometimes I find out about interesting web sites from unexpected places. This morning I was at the UCSF Cafeteria, eating a bagel, and started reading some signs on the bulletin board. There was a flier announcing that the cafeteria has increased its recycling efforts (good work UCSF!). Next to that was a poster for a web site called “Sustainable Table” (I was tired and since the URL was printed sideways it took me awhile to figure out — sustainable able, sustainable what, oh, table!)
So I emailed myself a note to check it out. I’m glad I did!
For feature articles and news on sustainable farming, cooking, and more ““ look no further! Every month we feature an article focusing on sustainable food ““ growing it, cooking it, eating it, and more. Learn more about seasonal ingredients and how to cook them. Or browse our Features Archives to learn more about your favorite foods (think ice cream and hot dogs!) and how to choose sustainably.
This special features section also highlights breaking news, information on special events, collaborations with other groups, and other special projects of Sustainable Table.
The site looks great and has interesting articles. Ever wondered what eggnog actually is, not to mention how to find sustainable/organic eggnog? Or wanted to know all about American apple cider? There’s lot of good information; the site includes a blog, features and stories.