
It’s 2008!

For the last day of 2007 I went to work, met up with a lunch group, came home, did laundry, called someone and made a date, took a nap and then took the bus to the Castro area to attend two New Year’s Eve parties. I met some fun new folks and marked the new year with close friends and an intimate late night. Then I walked home, enjoying the exercise, the cool breeze and the city lights. The Transamerica building is blinking its regular red light; the multicolored holiday light has been retired until next year. The holidays are over (except for having today, New Year’s Day, off, I suppose) and it’s time to dive back in to the regular day to day.

2007 was a big year for me; I have a lot of optimism about 2008. Out with the old, in with the new, positive choices, making progress.

On another note, my Mac is at the Apple Store getting a new hard drive, under warranty. I hope it’s back soon!

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I did a small amount of travel over the holidays, both by train and by plane. I like train trips since I don’t have to deal with the airport, I can move around freely while en route and, most importantly, I can bring a laptop and write. Life has been so busy lately that having a day riding the rails meant I had a day to write and reflect. I wrote over 5,000 words on the train, examining my year and my accomplishments, looking at patterns I have been repeating and working out the things I’d like to keep doing and the things I need to change or stop doing. There are some hard decisions there, but that’s what taking an objective look at myself is all about. I was also able to see some amazing scenery and see how the train winds its way down a particularly tall mountain pass.

The plane ride was pleasant; I chatted the entire time with an interesting couple sitting next to me. We had a remarkably broad conversation for three people who had just met.

The silly moment was before the flight, at the security check, when they pulled my bags for a secondary search. I hadn’t even thought that my tube of toothpaste would be a problem, but it was more than the three ounce limit. I think that limit is ridiculous (as is removing our shoes), but I also know that it’s just not worth arguing about. I just quietly said, “okay, you can keep the toothpaste.” The security woman looked at me with compassion and asked if I’d like her to squeeze some of the toothpaste into a plastic ziplock bag so I could have a little with me to brush my teeth later. I thought that was nice of her, though it occurred to me later that since she believed it was actually toothpaste, and was willing to give some back, then why not let me keep all of it? I figure we were both doing our parts to act sane, within the confines of the insanity imposed around us.


I got a chance last week to ride the double decker bus that Muni is testing out. It’s nice and clean, and the view from upstairs is interesting. The ceiling on the top level is pretty low, so heads will be bumped. The bus itself felt responsive and didn’t seem to strain under the load. I did notice that it has double axles at the back; I’m assuming that is to carry what must be much more weight than a regular bus carries. I’m curious how these buses compare, weight-wise and fuel efficiency-wise, to the long articulated buses that are used on many of the routes.

I think that an electric trolley-bus version of the double decker would be needed here in SF; we should be lessening the amount of diesel burned here, not increasing it.


Someone recently said, snarkily, that I just write about the weather ere. I disagree. The weather is a handy way to mark changes, and the changes in the weather often remind me of the passage of time and prompt me to write a little something here. But the weather is in the background, helping me set a tone for the limited writing I do in this space. I’d like to think that someone who thinks I just write about the weather is someone who is not really paying much attention to what I’m saying. That being said, it’s 45 degrees Fahrenheit right now. To me that is really cold! I am so grateful for the double-pane windows, the radiator and the new boiler down in the basement, firing with half the gas consumption of the old one.


I’m rooting through my list of art and design projects, looking to pick out a couple small projects I can fit in here and there, scoping some medium projects to make them more manageable and doing some preliminary planning for a larger remodel-type project that may get underway later in the year.

New Year’s resolutions

I actually have New Year’s resolutions to exercise more, eat more vegetables, lower my fat intake, rest more and pay more attention to healthy choices, physically and emotionally.

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I’ve been listening to a lot of music lately. I’ve never been one of those people that sits around with a group of people talking incessantly about bands and songs; music has always been more personal to me. I don’t get any pleasure from analyzing songs with people, I much prefer to say, “hey listen to this new song/band I found; I think it’s neat” (yes, I actually say the word “neat” because, well, I like it). Since I got rid of the TV I’ve been buying more music than I used to over a given period of time.

I was looking at this stack of blank CDs on my desk at work today and thinking about the name, “compact disc.” Such amazing technology in the early 80’s. I only owned a few actual records that I inherited from God-knows-where; once I was old enough (teenager) to scrape together some funds I started buying CDs. I had a couple of those big binder things stuffed full of them. One was “high school music” and the other was, for lack of a better term, “my twenties music.” I still have one of them. The other, as far as I can tell, didn’t make it out of the apartment of an ex and I never tried to ask for it back; I suspect they got thrown out. That makes me sad, but life goes on. I’ve learned that holding on to things is never as rewarding as just remembering they were there. Plus, I can’t remember the last time I actually listened to an old CD anyway. I’ve been an iPod user for awhile now; the music is purchased with mouse clicks and gets backed up to a second hard drive. I guess I’m keeping up with technology pretty well; I text people from my [cute] cell phone, after all.

I was reading the blog of an old friend from high school. Actually I guess I could say the blog of two old friends from high school. The two of them met when we were freshmen or sophomores and have been together ever since. They have a baby now and, despite my lack of child-rearing interest, I find it cute and moving to see how their family is doing.

Thinking of them made me think of Tommy, another high school friend. He was killed early in Bush’s war; the guy never saw his thirties. I went back for his funeral and our high school named their stadium for him. Just a tragic situation. He and I used to sit around for hours and hours listening to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, a CD that I asked for, and was actually given to me by my rather progressive grandmother.

We’d listen to that album all the way through and talk about how the way it felt must have been like getting stoned, which neither of us had [yet] tried. I’d go with friends to see Floyd laser shows. I would listen to Dark Side of the Moon alone in my room. If I heard one of those songs on the radio in the car I would turn it way up. It was just so visceral at a time when I didn’t yet have many life experiences of my own. I even tried listening to it while watching The Wizard of Oz though I didn’t find it all that impressive.

I have no idea where my copy of that CD is today. It may be in the missing binder, it may be in the back of a binder that I still have, out of order, lost, quiet. I could just go on to iTunes and buy the album again, but for some reason I haven’t. I will, sure. Eventually.

Those old records had art on their covers, of course. CDs had art on their covers too. The downloaded songs include digital versions that pop up on the screen while the music is playing. There’s a certain continuity there which I like. It’s not about the packaging, it’s about the sight, the sound and the feel, as it always has been. For me it’s about memories, of building soundtracks into periods of my life and then coming back later to hear those memories anew.

Some bands I’m into right now: Tosca, Mindtrap, Cantoma.

That’s all for now.

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One of my favorite unique music sources is SomaFM (, which describes itself as, “Listener-supported, commercial-free, underground/alternative radio broadcasting from San Francisco.” It’s run by Rusty, a guy I worked with back in the “tech TV” days; they play about ten streaming electronic music stations, including three new offerings. I’m sure my attempts at description won’t do it justice, especially since I’m not really dialed in to all the different electronic music genres. I just know that I like more ambient, reflective, dark, middle-of-the-night-when-the-city-is-quiet types of selections. Whatever that means.

I’m currently listening to one of the new streams, called “Space Station Soma.”

My friend Ryan runs a show at 9pm on Monday nights via 90hz is not on the air full time like SOMAFM; they offer scheduled programming run by, as far as I can tell, a volunteer crew.

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Life has been really busy lately in very good ways. I’m not going to detail all of the specifics here, but I have been doing a lot within the social groups that I hang out with, I’m taking a short-term class every other weekend, and I am getting a lot done at work, including finishing off a large project and getting ready to travel to Minneapolis on business. I always think “on business” sounds kind of silly, but it gets the point across. I have not been to Minneapolis before, so I am looking forward to seeing a new town, at the very least. Perhaps I can find some cool things to do in the evenings? You betchya?

I like to say that San Francisco only has two seasons, winter and summer. Winter descends sometime around November when the skies suddenly get gray with a little cold and a decent amount of rain for about half a year. Then around now, start of May, it lifts away and becomes sunny and windy and warmer for the other half of the year. I think it has something to do with the Pacific High shielding the area from storms part of the time. Well, “summer” seems to be here at last; the time has changed to daylight savings, the sky is light past 8pm and the sailing should be starting up aggresively pretty soon. Needless to say, of the two seasons here, summer is what I prefer.

I recently read Dry by Augusten Burroughs. I couldn’t help comparing it to A Million Little Pieces. I feel like kind of dick by saying this, given all the mainstream press it received a couple months back, but I read Pieces before it was discredited, and when I did it seemed defensive and disengenous and a little “off” to me. Really, it did, I am not jumping on the “hindsight bandwagon” here! Ask my friend Loretta. Anyway, Dry is cool because it is very close to the same story but I think it’s a more genuine portrayal of the struggle to break through addiction and how hard that can be. The precursor to that story, Running with Scissors is also a good read.

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It’s raining. Again. Earlier it was just overcast. The waters of the bay looked kind of grayish beige, reflecting the skies above. Now I can’t really see the water. It just kind of merges in to the sky; there’s a ship anchored in the harbor that is just on the cusp of disappearing in to the mist. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen some really heavy fog or heard the foghorns, but surely they must be blowing out by the Gate.

I keep thinking that spring is going to appear any minute now. The weather will start to get clear, then the rain returns and lasts for days. I miss the sun and those nice days of sailing. Any minute now.

I am taking the day to stay inside my cozy place, reading (a cheesy treasure-hunter type novel at the moment, Wikipedia likely at some point), snacking, listening to music and puttering around my apartment with the heat on and the string of little lights glowing softly. I’m listening to the radio which is unsual. I, like so many others, listen to music on my computer and portable music player — I don’t even own a regular stereo receiver anymore. But that can feel so isolated. Sometimes I think I have no idea what is going on, musically, out in the world. Then I remember I can listen to a radio station via its Internet stream. Oh yeah.

It really is a different world than it was even ten years ago.

The great thing about listening to a local station on a rainy day is the DJs, looking out their windows at the same misty world that I am looking at, play rainy day music. Or maybe I just think that’s the case.

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