I’ve upgraded the site to WordPress 2.x. So far, so good. I have turned on the comment feature, so if you’d like to comment on the articles or pictures here, please do so. You will need to register and I’ll have to approve comments before they post. As I’m sure you understand, that is to prevent “spam comments.” Geesh.
December 20, 2005, ~7am PST:
Images Copyright Jeremy.
Images Copyright Jeremy.
I upgraded to WordPress 1.5.x today. I am really pleased with how this software is coming along. It has a lot of new features, including a “page” feature that makes it much easier to set up general “static” pages.
I have been going through my old entries, previous journals, and archives of photos and files, adding items to this site. I’ve tried to maintain original dates as much as possible. I still have a ton of data to sift through, so more posts are on the way. I have to do a lot of cleanup too.
I heard about this organization on KQED’s Forum today.
The Equal Justice Society is a national organization of scholars, advocates and concerned individuals advancing creative legal strategies and public policy for enduring social change. As heirs of the innovative legal and political strategists of Brown v. Board of Education, EJS will marshal our forces to defeat the right wing assault on social and racial justice. Our goal is to reshape jurisprudence to ensure that the rights of all are expanded, rather than diminished, by our courts and policy makers.
Tue, Nov. 29th, 2005, 03:24 pm
So my coworkers thought it would be hysterical to cover my cube in cat pictures and wrap my chair in bubble wrap!